Saturday, July 28, 2018

How to Customize the PDF Output in Datatables

Short little snippet I found the other day to customize the pdf output in datatables.

buttons: [
        text: 'PDF Html5 (Land)',
        extend: 'pdfHtml5',
    message: '',
    orientation: 'landscape',
    exportOptions: {
         columns: ':visible'
    customize: function (doc) {
        doc.pageMargins = [10,10,10,10];
        doc.defaultStyle.fontSize = 7;
        doc.styles.tableHeader.fontSize = 7;
        doc.styles.title.fontSize = 9;
        // Remove spaces around page title
        doc.content[0].text = doc.content[0].text.trim();
        // Create a footer
        doc['footer']=(function(page, pages) {
            return {
                columns: [
                    'This is your left footer column',
                        // This is the right column
                        alignment: 'right',
                        text: ['page ', { text: page.toString() },  ' of ', { text: pages.toString() }]
                margin: [10, 0]
        // Styling the table: create style object
        var objLayout = {};
        // Horizontal line thickness
        objLayout['hLineWidth'] = function(i) { return .5; };
        // Vertikal line thickness
        objLayout['vLineWidth'] = function(i) { return .5; };
        // Horizontal line color
        objLayout['hLineColor'] = function(i) { return '#aaa'; };
        // Vertical line color
        objLayout['vLineColor'] = function(i) { return '#aaa'; };
        // Left padding of the cell
        objLayout['paddingLeft'] = function(i) { return 4; };
        // Right padding of the cell
        objLayout['paddingRight'] = function(i) { return 4; };
        // Inject the object in the document
        doc.content[1].layout = objLayout;



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